February 1, 2009

End of heartache

Lost within this room of despair
My heart stops beating as it gets repaired

A year and half is a long wait
It is really a heavy weight

Things stays inside my head
Words I scavenge under my bed

Time is ticking slow when you feel alone
This heart beats fast when I hear you sing
with that tone

Remember those days when everything is under doubt
This heart kept quiet even if it wanted to shout

The seal on this door of despair slowly turned to rust
My key of patience almost faded and turns to dust

Watch out tonight as I would see the stars
I would run wild as I escape this bars

Would this end the heartache i felt over this time line
Would this sever fantasy from reality
I am glad to touch your hand and hold it forever
Your love will always be kept inside my heart

~Kidium Masters~

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